GOTY 2012 Stuff And What I've Been Up To

So, as you've probably seen, I've been kinda absent since October. The reason for this is what you are seeing above: I took on a large project to work on top 10 videos for 4Player. Including mine, this accounted for 9 individual videos (originally 10 but one person dropped out). This might not seem like a big deal but let me break it down for you.
- 40 different games recorded at roughly 1 hour of footage per game
- Voiceovers for each one with 30 seconds to 2 minutes for each game
- 4-5 hours minimum per video of editing together
It was definitely a stuggle to put all of these together in addition to editing and publishing the video versions of the podcast and Cocktail Time. You can view the rest of the top 10 videos here in case you are interested. I write better than I speak as many of you know so the video above was indeed scripted. 4k words in case you were curious.
Anyway, the new year has begun and I do plan on getting some writing done. I just hope that a major project like what I've had to deal with for the past 2.5 months won't get in my way for a while.